Thursday, December 18, 2008

Flights Canceled!

So my flight was canceled which means I won't get to come home until Saturday! I am upset and mad!

Got to love snow!!!

10 - 15 is nothing lets try 20-22!

YES! My hour and a half drive may be 3 hours leaving at 8am for a 1:20pm flight!
Everything is closed around the area!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Frosty ~ more snow means he might live til August this year!

More snow 10-15 inches! Frosty may live until August this year!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snow Snow and More Snow ~ more than a foot!

It started snowing Friday morning around 8am and it stopped this morning around 6am! Lots of snow around town! Will post pictures of the our first snow storm later!